
Six Key Sectors in Virginia: What’s in it for you?
Higher education in prison is a bipartisan proposition, with benefits for a variety of sectors and constituencies. Consider how postsecondary education in prison delivers for six key segments of the Commonwealth.
Aligns with mission orientation for opportunity, access, and inclusion
Accesses federal funding to enroll more students with diverse life experiences
Provides rewarding teaching/learning experiences and ideas for research
Adds to enrollment of FirstGen, underrepresented, and lower income students
Increases overall enrollment and FTE’s
Expands partnerships in workforce development
Increases visibility in the public sphere and wins earned media
Expands avenues for external funding
Graduates new loyal and dedicated alumni
Demonstrates leadership in the field of higher education
Contributes to the rehabilitation mission of corrections
Makes prisons safer for staff and residents by reducing violent infractions
Reduces recidivism progressively with each academic degree achieved
Supports reentry success by boosting employability and wages
Influences prison culture by elevating critical thinking and emotional intelligence
Increases motivation for college preparatory education, e.g., Adult Basic Education, GED
Addresses gaps in digital literacy to promote successful returns to work and home
Generates opportunities for work-based learning and apprenticeships
Demonstrates leadership in the field of corrections
Offers a sense of purpose and direction during incarceration
Contributes to self-esteem and supports personal transformation
Reduces reincarceration by promoting reentry success
Increases employability and wages with marketable skills and expertise
Contributes to potential “good time” and parole considerations
Provides access to collegiate educational and career advising
Confers credentials and degrees that hold value in outside social comparison
Influences children’s trajectories by modeling educational achievement
Supports preservation of family connections by increasing points of pride
Builds community and supportive networks among incarcerated students
Builds intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and persistence
Restores identity from inmate to student, scholar, and civic contributor
Addresses educational deficits sustained because of the school-to-prison pipeline
Offers a bipartisan approach that fosters public safety, improves economic outcomes, and garners public support
Reduces public costs of incarceration by boosting reentry success and lower recidivism
Advances public safety goals
Responds to priorities and values of multiple constituencies; delivers multiple wins
Demonstrates leadership in education, economics, and justice reform spaces
Addresses timely focus on alignment of higher education and labor market needs
Advances public-private discussions of Second Chance hiring and workforce development
Builds multi-disciplinary collaboration across agencies, both public and private
Positions Virginia as a leader in criminal justice innovation
Offers a proven implementation of restorative justice
Interrupts intergenerational cycles of poverty, poor educational attainment, and justice-system involvement when incarcerated parents role model higher education to children
Increases Virginia’s economic competitiveness by maximizing home-grown talent pipelines
Taps a large, underutilized talent pool of Virginians to remedy long term worker shortages
Delivers regional workforce benefits in addition to industry-specific talent solutions
Invites customization of higher educational programs to meet business talent needs
Reduces employer training costs when Pell-funded education builds timely capacity
Upskills employees proven to reduce turnover with their dedication, gratitude, and loyalty
Creates opportunities for work-based learning, internships, mentorships, pre-apprenticeships with highly motivated incarcerated and returning Virginians
Adds appeal to Second Chance hiring when candidates present with high-value expertise and skills
Invites review and reduction of licensing barriers for Virginians with records
Prioritizes a hopeful, restorative justice approach
Supports core faith values of redemption and restoration of right relationship
Encourages people to transform their lives to reach their full human potential
Parallel prison ministry values—increases caring interactions with incarcerated residents
Benefits incarcerated loved ones of families in the local and broader faith community
Demonstrates spiritual and civic leadership in the field of criminal legal system reform